Other Media
Below you will find a listing of videos and other media in which Justin has appeared. To see other work Justin has done, check out the other sections of his portfolio page.
If you would like Justin to appear on your media project you can contact him.
This is a non-exhaustive collection of media quoting Justin. Media featuring Justin in a larger role can be found in the other sections of this page.
- It's All About the Money (and Healthcare)
This podcast examines the difficulties that people with disabilities have finding work. Recorded during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an emphasis on the transition to remote work. Justin discussed his experiences working remotely since the beginning of the pandemic and how the transition to remote work could open up more opportunities for people with disabilities.
Inclusive Communication
- Interview with Justin Yarbrough
Justin spoke with Denis Boudreau about his experiences attending live live in-person and virtual training and speaking events as a blind person.
Runway Girl Network
- US airlines seek to honor disability rights while enforcing mask use
Article examining how airlines were trying to accommodate passengers with disabilities that were unable to wear masks early in the pandemic after airlines had started to require masks be worn on planes. While Justin's disability does not prevent him from wearing a mask, he was concerned how the policies would affect passengers who were unable to wear them.
The Athletic
- How one Diamondbacks fan refused to let going blind dim his love for baseball
Profile by Zach Buchanan, former Diamondbacks beat writer for The Athletic about Justin's blindness journey and his love for baseball. A subscription is required to read the full article.
Rio Salado College
- Living with Blindness: Interview with Justin Yarbrough
Interview conducted with Rio Salado College librarian Kirstin Thomas as part of Rio's recognition of the 31st anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act being signed into law.
Please note that Justin has no control over the accessibility of any links to third-party sites